Friday, April 26, 2013

"Scrambled Metaphor ; Egg Tosser"

Have you ever played that team building game with the egg?
It starts with two people face to face hand each other an egg.
Each time the egg changes hands they take a step back.
Pessimistically, this continues until the egg breaks.

I was a camp counselor so I definitely played and ran this game for others to play, a lot.
Anyway for the purpose of this analogy, this game (well the EGG anyway) is friendship.
Pessimistically, it sounds like I am saying eventually all friendships eventually end(break) but let us not bother with that line of thought.

What I am more interested in using this game for is to explain myself.
I am terrible at making friends.
I am simply awful at small talk.
If I am not “dropping the egg” I am certainly the reason the other player just walks away from the game.

This thought works for me because it is amusing, expected and maybe a bit sad.

Either in the short or long scale I have a hard time making and an even harder time keeping friends.
In the long term, I make a bad egg toss or a bad catch, either way, someone has a mess on their hands.

But that is only if I get far enough to even be considered a friend.
During the initial phase I may talk too much about dumb stuff and assume and otherwise seem too passive or intense or weird or awkward or whatever.

I feel like sometimes when I first try to be friends with someone it is like l take the egg and instead of handing it over, I smash it over my own face.

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